Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is it possible to get rid of loose skin?

i gained and lost a lot of weight and the skin on my tummy is real soft and kinda loose. is there a way to tighten it back up without surgery?

Is it possible to get rid of loose skin?
Say you gain 100 lbs sitting on your rump. Then one day you decide to crash diet and lose 100 lbs. Guess what. Whereas what you gained is all fat, what you lost is in the form of fat AND muscle. It is impossible to lose fat without losing muscle. So, say you lost 70 lbs of fat and 30 lbs of muscle . You are still carrying around 30 extra pounds of fat AND you have less muscle to support it. This is what is called loose skin, but it is actually fat.

The answer is to keep losing the weight with diet and cardio to keep losing but also do some weight lifting to build your muscle back.
Reply:No, sorry. Tummy tuck is the only way.
Reply:you can try, exercise and lots of fluids might help the skin rebound. It really depends on how old you are and how far the skin was stretched in the first place as to whether or not it can rebound.
Reply:you can try creams and lotions first but aside from that tummy tuck is the only way to do it.

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